


讲座题目:  发达国家旅游新趋势

报告人:  美国印第安纳大学布鲁明顿校区 Chen, Joseph S.教授






Chen, Joseph S.教授简历

Summary of Curriculum Vita

Joseph S. Chen, Ph.D., CHA
Current Positions:                   Associate Professor; Ph.D. student advisor   
                                            Department of Recreation, Park, and Tourism Studies
                                               Indiana University, Bloomington, USA
                                                    Editor-in-Chief and Founding Editor
Advances in Hospitality and Leisure  
JAI- An imprint of Emerald Publisher (UK)
Resource Editor
Annals of Tourism Research (a SSCI journal)
Elsevier Science, UK
Past Positions:
                                                  Department of Hospitality Management
International University of Applied Sciences, Germany
Program Director
Hotel and Restaurant Management Program
Eastern Michigan University, USA
Assistant Professor
Department of Hospitality and Tourism Management
Virginian Polytechnic Institute and State University, USA
Highest Degree:                Ph.D. from Pennsylvania State University
Distinct Honors and Awards:           Named as the top-50 most citied tourism scholars between 1998-2007
 by Tourism Management (SSCI journal) with the following reference:
McKerche B. (2008). A citation analysis of tourism scholars. Tourism Management, 29, 1126-1232.
Named as the top-50 leading tourism scholars between 1985-2004 by Tourism Management (SSCI journal) with the following reference:
Zhao, W. and Richie, B. (2007). An investigation of academic leadership in tourism research: 1985-2004. Tourism Management 28, 476-490.
Certified German University Professor
by German regional government―Lande Nordrhein-Westfalen (2004)
W. Bradford Wiley Memorial Research Award
by the International Council of Hotel, Restaurant, and Institution Educator (CHRIE) (2002)
The Best Article of the Year Award
by the Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Research (2000)
U.S. Fulbright Senior Scholar 
by the Fulbright Foreign Scholarship Board (2000)
Publication:                      Over 120 articles in research journals and conference proceedings.