



报告题目:Customer Centric Decision Sciences: From Analysis to Analytics

报告人:Indranil Bose,副教授,香港大学商学院





   Indranil Bose is Associate Professor of Innovation and Information Management at the School of Business, The University of Hong Kong. Prior to that, he was a faculty member at the University of Texas at Arlington and at the University of Florida. He holds a B. Tech. from the Indian Institute of Technology, MS from the University of Iowa, and MS and Ph. D. from Purdue University.

   His research interests are in data mining, telecommunications, information security, and supply chain management. His publications have appeared in Communications of the ACM, Communications of AIS, Computers and Operations Research, Decision Support Systems, Electronic Commerce Research & Applications, Ergonomics, European Journal of Operational Research, Information & Management, Information Systems and e-Business Management, Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, Journal of Organizational Computing and Electronic Commerce, and Operations Research Letters, among others. His research is supported by several grants from the academia and industry. He is also the author of several teaching cases that are adopted worldwide for MBA teaching. He regularly consults with several companies in Hong Kong.

   He serves as Associate Editor/Editorial Review Board Member of Communications of AIS, Information & Management, Journal of Global Information Technology and Management, Information Resources Management Journal, International Journal of Information Systems and Supply Chain Management, Journal of Database Management, etc. He has also served as guest editor for Communications of AIS, Decision Support Systems, European Journal of Information Systems, and Journal of Organizational Computing and Electronic Commerce. He frequently acts as program committee members for numerous international conferences every year.


   As competition intensifies, companies are faced with the challenge of understanding the behavior of customers. In the war to win customers, data is turning out to be a strategic weapon in order to know more about the customers. A firm that collects, stores, and effectively analyzes customer behavioral and demographic data gains more advantage, and is able to do more than mass marketing. But is analysis of customer data enough to maintain a sustained advantage? This talk describes the growth of customer analytics as a field that promises to change the way in which companies look and use customer data. Using concepts of data warehousing and data mining, predictive customer analytics promises to discover unknown knowledge nuggets about customers that firms were never aware of. The challenge lies in adaptation of these knowledge nuggets into actionable business strategies for the firms. Some recent research in the area of predictive analytics is described to explain the importance of predictive analytics, address the vast reach of this stream in different application areas, and to describe how the research is shaping up at present.

