Addressing the organizational and social dimensions of Information Systems Innovation
报告人:Chrisanthi Avgerou教授,伦敦政经大学管理学系, 主要研究领域为ICT与 组织变革的关系,以及ICT在社会经济变革中的作用。现为国际信息处理协会(International Federation of Information Processing)TC9专家研究组主席。
时间:2010.6.7 上午 10:00 – 12:00.
信息和通信技术的创新使得组织可以用新的方式开展工作和业务。基于信息和通信技术的创新不只是在组织中引入和实施新技术,它还要求进行相应组织变革。在此次讲座中,Chrisanthi Avgerou教授将分享最新的有关ICT和组织变革的研究成果,这些研究利用社会理论来阐明社会-技术变革之间的本质。
Innovation in Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) continues to enable new ways of organizing work, and new ways of doing business. It is widely accepted that ICT-enabled innovation is not only a matter of engineering and implementing new technologies in organizations. It requires effort for organizational change. In this talk I will present some lessons from recent research on ICT and organizational change that draws on social theory to shed light on the nature of socio-technical change.