


讲座嘉宾:磊,York University, Toronto


讲座地点: A723

讲座标题(Title): The Moral Fabric of Meaningful Work: A Study of Workplace Virtuousness and Moral Identity


Building on theories of positive identity construction at work, this research examines whether and how moral identity influences workplace meaning. We propose that moral identity can enhance employeessense of meaning, with this effect varying based on workplace virtuousness. Specifically, when workplace virtuousness is high, moral identity will be directly and positively related to employeessense of meaning, due to alignment between the moral demands of their identity and the values upheld in their environment. Conversely, when workplace virtuousness is low, moral identitys impact on meaning will be indirect, mediated by prosocial behaviors. In such environments, employees with a strong moral identity engage in prosocial actions to fulfill their moral aspirations, thereby fostering a sense of meaning. Findings from a multilevel survey of 386 employees across 52 organizational teams support our hypotheses.


Dr. Luke Zhu is an Associate Professor of Organization Studies at the Schulich School of Business, York University, Toronto. Dr. Zhus research and teaching focus on business ethics, diversity, and artificial intelligence, with work examining the psychological and sociological roots of (un)ethical behavior in the workplace, interventions for gender and racial discrimination, and the integration of AI in organizations. His research has been widely published in high-impact journals across fields such as organizational behavior (Journal of Applied Psychology, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes), psychology (Cognition, Journal of Experimental Social Psychology), and interdisciplinary studies (PNAS: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences). Dr. Zhus research has received major support from Canadas Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) Insight Grants, awarded to research with significant potential to advance social science knowledge and address complex societal issues. His work has also been featured in Harvard Business Review, The Washington Post, The New York Times, and The Atlantic. Dr. Zhu currently serves as an Associate Editor for Organizational Behavior and Human Decision ProcessesOBHDP. He also reviews for various other leading journals, including Administrative Science Quarterly, Organization Science, The Journal of Applied Psychology, and The Journal of Personality and Social Psychology.

